Friday, May 28, 2010

A bookclub's manifesto.

The aphorism's of old tell us not to judge a book by its cover. Likewise blog names can be equally misleading. Dear reader, let me suggest to you that this is hardly just another book blog. This blog plans on consisting of only the most sparkling dialogues, monologues, trialogues, banter, musings, thinkin's, and witty reparte that three charming and bookish (read: sexy librarian types) ladies can offer this interweb of ours. We plan to read books. Yes, books(!), magazines, articles and then we plan to tell each other and you about it! We will read these books, somtimes together, sometimes at the same time but in different places. Sometimes one of us will read a book alone and wait patiently for someone else to read the book also so they have someone to talk with about it with. Either way, this blog, this very forum is the place in which we will discuss these thoughts in a manner which is hopefully articulate and informative to you our reader.